

Autism Bedfordshire

Autism Bedfordshire is an independent charity providing information, advice, emotional and practical support to individuals with Autistic Spectrum Conditions, their parents/carers, families and associated professionals throughout Bedfordshire.

Telephone: 01234 350704
Email: enquiries@autismbeds.org

Families in Luton Autism Group (FLAG)

A monthly meeting for parents who want to link with families in similar circumstances, have access to a sympathetic listening ear and user friendly information. FLAG is run by the Autism Spectrum Team (part of the Special Educational Needs Service) at St. Anne’s Church Hall  Crawley Green Road, LU2 0NQ.

Telephone: 01582 548151
Email: educationsupportservices@luton.gov.uk


In time of bereavement

In the unfortunate event that a person has passed away, there are three things that must be done in the first few days;
Get a medical certificate from your GP or hospital doctor (this is necessary to register the death)
Register the death within 5 days (8 days in Scotland). You will then receive the necessary documents for the funeral.
Make the necessary funeral arrangements.

Register the death
If the death has been reported to the coroner they must give permission before registering the death.
You can register the death if you are a relative, a witness to the death, a hospital administrator or the person making the arrangements with the funeral directors.
You can use the ‘www.gov.uk website that will guide you through the process. This will also explain the registration process for Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Arrange the funeral
The funeral can usually only take place after the death is registered. Most people use a funeral director, though you can arrange a funeral yourself.

Funeral directors
Choose a funeral director who’s a member of one of the following:
National Association of Funeral Directors
National Federation of Funeral Directors
Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors
These organisations have codes of practice – they must give you a price list when asked.
Some local councils run their own funeral services, for example for non-religious burials. The British Humanist Association can also help with non-religious funerals.

Arranging the funeral yourself
Contact the Cemeteries and Crematorium Department of your local council to arrange a funeral yourself.
Funeral costs
Funeral costs can include:
funeral director fees
things the funeral director pays for on your behalf (called ‘disbursements’ or ‘third-party costs’), for example, crematorium or cemetery fees, or a newspaper announcement about the death
local authority burial or cremation fees
Funeral directors may list all these costs in their quotes.

Bedford Bereavement Services

Support is offered to all bereaved people during group meetings held monthly at Norse Road Crematorium.
Telephone01234 718150

CHUMS – Bereavement Service

CHUMS was created to meet the needs of children and their families across Luton and Bedfordshire. offering support after the death of someone close, however they may have died.
Telephone01525 863924

CHUMS also offers a stillbirth and neonatal bereavement support service for parents, grandparents and siblings in Bedfordshire following the death of their baby. This includes monthly support groups and family workshops.

Luton & Dunstable Hospital – Bereavement Service

Support and information provided to families of the deceased including those affected by issues surrounding post-mortem procedures.
Telephone: 01582 497344 
Chaplaincy: 01582 497370
Email: chaplaincy@ldh.nhs.uk


Carers in Bedfordshire

If you are a carer, or have been a carer, you may be experiencing stress, anxiety, guilt, bereavement, trauma and loss. Counselling can help you work through these emotions, allowing you time and space to concentrate on your emotions.

Telephone: 0300 111 1919
Email: contact@carersinbeds.org.uk

Young People’s Counselling

Counselling at TOKKO Youth Space in Gordon Street is short-term intervention counselling (4-6 weeks). Young people aged 10 to 21 can share their problems in a confidential environment, being treated with respect based on an understanding of their culture and background.

Telephone: 01582 544990
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tokkoyouthluton
Twitter: @TokkoYouthLuton
Instagram: @tokkoyouthluton
Email: info@tokko.co.uk

Are You a Carer?

Do you provide help and support to a family member, friend or neighbour who couldn’t manage without your help? If you do, you are a carer.

CHUMS – Young Carers Service

The service supports children and young people aged five to 18 who help to care for someone with a disability, chronic or serious illness, mental health condition, learning difficulty etc, whether that is a parent or sibling. Support is offered through group work in schools as well as monthly drop-in facilities.

Telephone: 01525 863924
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ChumsCharity
Twitter: @CHUMSCharity
Email: info@chums.uk.com

Carers UK

They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.

Telephone: 020 7378 4999

Carers’ Cafe

Informal drop-in with a relaxed friendly atmosphere. The cost is £1 entry including tea/coffee and cake/biscuits. It is run between 1-2.30pm on the second and fourth Thursday of the month at Mind BLMK’s Wellbeing Centre, 46/56 Dumfries Street, Luton.

Telephone: 01582 380002
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mindblmk
Twitter: @MindBLMK
Email: carers@mind-blmk.org.uk


Macmillan Cancer Support

At Macmillan, they understand the many ways in which a cancer diagnosis can affect your life. Whatever cancer throws your way, they’re right there with you.

Telephone: 0808 808 00 00

Child Health

Flying Start

Flying Start will make a positive and systematic change to the lives and life chances of babies and young children from pregnancy to five years of age in Luton for future generations.

Telephone: 01582 548356
Facebook: www.facebook.com/FSLuton/
Twitter: @FS_Luton
Email: Flyingstart@luton.gov.uk

Vaccination planner

Download a personalised vaccination calendar, which highlights the dates your child needs to have their vaccinations by.

Childhood illness visual guide

Use this visual guide to help you identify common conditions and illnesses that may affect your child. Includes conditions such as measles, slapped cheek syndrome, chicken pox and warts.

Community Groups


Healthwatch Luton is the local consumer champion promoting choice and influencing the provision of high quality health, social care and wellbeing services for all across Luton.

BIG Hat Factory Community Choir – Luton

Singing in a community choir is a great way to make friends, build your confidence, improve your voice and reduce stress. There are no auditions and everyone regardless of singing ability or prior singing experiences is welcome.
Under 16s are welcome to join but must be accompanied by an adult.

Telephone: 07960 255711
Email: info@bigmusiccompany.org.uk

Girl Guiding Luton (North and South Divisions)

Girlguiding offers a safe environment for girls and women to take part in fun activities, camps and holidays following a balanced programme and to make new friends.

Register to join: go.girlguiding.org.uk
Email: tgchair@bedsguiding.org.uk

Luton Irish Forum

Luton Irish Forum (LIF) is a charity with over 500 members and a centre close to the town centre. LIF provides welfare support through drop-ins, appointments and home visits relating to welfare benefits, housing, community care and debt, applications for an Irish passports and provides representation at tribunals and medicals.

Telephone: 01582 720 447
Facebook: @LutonIrish
Twitter: @IrishinLuton
Email: info@lutonirishforum.org

Luton U3A

Luton University of the Third Age is about self-help learning through study groups, in which members share their knowledge and interest in the subject, keeping mind and body active. Groups meet either weekly, fortnightly or monthly, often in members’ homes but also in venues such as local community centres.

Bedfordshire African Community Centre (BACC)

Bedfordshire African Community Centre (BACC) at Alydwyck House was founded after a survey of Africans living in Luton revealed they would welcome a centre where they would be able to meet socially and participate in promoting African culture. There is a weekly lunch club on Wednesdays.

Telephone: 01582 484807
Email: info@africancentre.org.uk

Centre for Youth and Community Development

The centre is a community facility aiming to ensure Luton residents, particularly those from the Biscot Ward, have access to th14e services and support they need.

Telephone: 01582 519500

Luton & Dunstable Photographic Club

Members have a wide range of interests and are willing to share their knowledge. The club meets twice a week, including evenings at local sites of interest in the summer.

Telephone: 0787 659 8241

Luton Scouts

The town has 19 Scout Groups aiming to provide fun, adventure and challenge. Scouting is open to new members from the age of six, with no upper age limit for our adult volunteers.
Scouting is open to boys and girls and it makes no difference what background you come from, what language you speak, or your religion.

Telephone: 0844 414 5687
Email: enquiries@lutonscouts.org.uk

Depression, Anxiety & Stress


Mind BLMK works closely with a range of partners to offer activities from wellbeing centres and local venues to people in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes.
Telephone: 0300 330 0648 
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mindblmk
Twitter: @MindBLMK
Email: hq@mind-blmk.org.uk


Free anonymous online chat for young people to discuss your mental health issues.


Rethink provide expert, accredited advice and information to everyone affected by mental health problems.

Telephone: 0300 5000 927
Email: info@rethink.org

Talking Therapies

Total Wellbeing supports people living in Luton who want to improve their physical and emotional health. Talking Therapies can help with a range of issues including depression, anxiety and stress.

Stepping Stones (Luton)

Stepping Stones (Luton) is a charity dedicated to supporting women who have suffered abuse, who are vulnerable due to substance misuse, offending, mental health conditions and/or are involved with Local Authority Children’s Social Care.

Telephone: 01582 457114
Email: hello@steppingstonesluton.org


Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal. Call Samaritans free, 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

Telephone: 116 123
Email: jo@samaritans.org


Free dementia support counselling

A free counselling service for people who live in Bedford and Central Bedfordshire is being provided by Relate Bedfordshire and Luton. It is for individuals, couples or families supporting someone with dementia and is provided face-to-face in a number of community venues, by telephone or Skype.

Telephone: 01234 356350
Email: appointments@relatebedsandluton.org.uk

Dementia UK

Dementia UK offers specialist one-to-one support and expert advice for people living with dementia.

Telephone: 0800 888 6678 

Dementia Care

Luton and Dunstable University Hospital is committed to supporting people with dementia and their carers. Dedicated Nurse Specialist Yvonne Weldon can advise and support staff, patients and carers.

Telephone: 01582 497417/01582 491166 (bleep 164); Monday to Friday, 8.30am-4.30pm
Email: yvonne.weldon@ldh.nhs.uk



The World Health Organization estimate that over blood sugar levels.
Diabetes.co.uk is a community of people with diabetes, family members, friends, supporters and carers, offering their own support and first hand knowledge.

Integrated Community Diabetes Service

Luton Integrated Community Diabetes Service supports the prevention of diabetes and supports patients and their family/carer to understand and self manage the condition.

Domestic Abuse

Bedfordshire Sexual Abuse Partnership

If you are a survivor of domestic abuse or are currently suffering, there are services throughout Bedfordshire to help you. In an emergency call 999

24-hour Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bedsdv
Twitter: @bedsdv
Email: bdap@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

Luton Women’s Centre

Luton Women’s Centre is a safe and accessible women-only environment, a resource centre which is a focal point for women issues, campaigns and has a range of cultural, educational and recreational activities.

Telephone: 01582 416 783
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LutonAllWomensCentre
Twitter: @lawc_luton
Email: support@lawc.org.uk

Women’s Aid in Luton

Women’s Aid in Luton is a voluntary organisation supporting women and children suffering domestic abuse. In an emergency call 999
Helpline: 01582 391856 (Monday to Friday, 10am-5pm)
Head Office: 01582 876636 (Monday to Friday, 10am-5pm)
Email: info@womensaidinluton.org

Drugs and Alcohol

Addiction Advocates

Addiction Advocates is a specialised service that provides leading drug and alcohol rehabilitation in London and wider UK areas. Their team will make sure your requirements are met at a clinic that can guarantee the highest quality of care. Contact them today and embark on a new path towards a new, drug and alcohol-free life.

Telephone: 0800 012 6088
Text HELP To 83222
Email: info@addictionadvocates.com

Drinkaware Online Tools & Apps

Online trackers and apps from Drinkaware to help you avoid harm from alcohol.

One You Days Off – Mobile App

The One You Days Off app is a simple and easy way to track the days you drink alcohol and the days you don’t.
Download from: Google Play: One You Days Off
Download from: iTunes: One You Days Off

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.

Telephone: 0800 917 7650
Email: help@aamail.org

Bridge Project

The aim of the Bridge Project is to help people in Luton who have had support or treatment for alcohol and/or drug use to develop the confidence, skills and experience required to compete in the labour market.

Telephone: 01234 838 771
Email: info@bedsrcc.org.uk


ResoLUTiONs provides various different types of support and, whatever your needs, will be able to point you in the right direction to get appropriate help and advice.
ResoLUTiONs specialises in working with young people who use substances, as well as providing support to their parents and carers.
Telephone: 0800 054 6603 Recovery Hub: 01582 965 123
Facebook: www.facebook.com/resoLUTiONsLuton
Twitter: @resolutionsltn
Email: resolutions.info@cgl.org.uk


If you’re worried about your own or someone else’s drinking, you can call this free helpline, in complete confidence.
Telephone: 0300 123 1110

Talk to Frank

If you have a problem with drugs Talk to Frank for friendly, confidential drugs advice.

Telephone: 0300 123 6600
Text: 82111
Email: frank@talktofrank.com

Eyecare Services

Eyecare Services

Do you have a new eye problem? Are you registered with a Local GP practice? Do you need advice or an appointment with a professional?
Please contact their telephone assessment service.
Telephone: 0800 316 9200

Elderly Care

Age Concern Luton

Age Concern Luton is the town’s largest charity working with older people to improve their overall quality of life, receive timely practical help, get out and about and retain dignity in later life.

Telephone: 01582 456 812
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ageconcernluton
Twitter: @ageconcernluton
Email: admin@ageconcernluton.org.uk

Silver Line

Free phone support for older people, 24 hours a day.

Telephone: 0800 4708 090

Age UK Bedfordshire

Trained and experienced friendly advisors offer impartial, confidential information and advice on a wide range of issues, from referral to local services and groups within Bedfordshire through to in-depth advice, for example, on benefit entitlements, housing issues, health and social care needs and money worries.

Telephone: 01234 360510
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Age-UK-Bedfordshire
Twitter: @AgeUKBeds
Email: enquiries@ageukbedfordshire.org.uk

Age UK

Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We believe in a world where everyone can love later life and we work every day to achieve this.

Telephone: 0800 169 2081


Luton National Childbirth Trust (NCT)

Luton NCT is run by volunteers, most of whom are parents who became involved after they themselves were helped by the charity. All events and services are open to both members and non-members but the charity relies on membership to fund a number of initiatives.

Telephone: 0300 330 0700
Email: luton@nct.org.uk

Baby Buddy App

Baby Buddy is an award winning mobile phone app for new parents and parents-to-be, created by mums, doctors and midwives.
Download from: Google Play: Baby Buddy
Download from: iTunes: Baby Buddy

Multiple Sclerosis

Beds and Northants MS Therapy Centre

The centre is a self-help organisation, run by people with MS for people with MS. All therapies provided are free to those with MS, but a donation towards the running costs of the centre is asked for. An adapted minibus helps provide access.

Telephone: 01234 325781
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BedsNorthantsMsTherapyCentre
Twitter: @mstherapybeds
Email: mscentre2@community.co.uk

MS Society

Volunteers are trained to confidentially offer emotional support, information, help to access specialist services and get financial support.
National helpline: 0808 800 8000 (9am-7pm, Monday to Friday except bank holidays)
Group contact number: 07730 032 719
Twitter: @LutonMs
Email: lutondunstable@mssociety.org.uk

Sexual Health

Luton Sexual Health

Walk-In & Wait sessions mean that you don’t need to book, however, you do need to be prepared to wait for up to two or three hours to finish being seen, so please allow enough time for your visit.
The service moved to the first floor of Arndale House, The Mall, Luton, LU1 2LJ, on May 29, 2018.
View the clinic schedule

Telephone: 01582 497070

Family Planning Association

A sexual health charity, the Family Planning Association can give straightforward information and support on sexual health, sex and relationships to anyone in the UK.

Telephone: 020 7608 5240


Relate is the UK’s largest provider of relationship support.

Telephone: 01234 356350 


Brook provides free and confidential sexual health and wellbeing services for nearly 250,000 young people UK-wide, each year.

NHS Sexual Health Guide

Everything you need to know about sexual health, including contraception and STIs.

Sexual Health Helpline

The National Sexual Health Helpline provided by Public Health England is open Monday to Friday, 9am-8pm.

Telephone: 0300 123 7123

Stop Smoking

Luton Stop Smoking Service

Luton Stop Smoking Service offers all the support and advice you need to lead a smokefree life. Last year over 1,360 local people quit with using the free, confidential  service for anyone who lives and/or works in Luton.
Telephone: 0800 013 0845 
Email: stop.smoking@ccs.nhs.uk

Youth Counselling

TOKKO Youth Space

Counselling at TOKKO Youth Space in Gordon Street is short-term intervention counselling (4-6 weeks). Young people aged 10 to 21 can share their problems in a confidential environment, being treated with respect based on an understanding of their culture and background.

Facebook: @TokkoYouthLuton
Twitter: @TokkoYouthLuton
Instagram: @tokkoyouthluton
Telephone: 01582 544990
Email: info@tokko.co.uk

Weight Management

Active Luton

Active Luton is an innovative, community focused charity making a difference.
Three Health Walks, suitable for all fitness levels, take place each week. They vary between 30-60 minutes and start from Lewsey Sports Park or Hightown Community Sports and Arts Centre.

Telephone: 01582 400272
Mail: matt.corder@activeluton.co.uk

Weight Watchers

Meetings, online or a little bit of both. We’ve got options and support, whatever your lifestyle.

Am I a Healthy Weight?

Calculate your BMI using this NHS Tool
Website: NHS: BMI Calculator

Slimming World

You’ll find delicious recipe and menu ideas at your local group, along with all the help you need to get started and reach your target weight.